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Jan 30Liked by JD Rucker

JD, your understanding of the situation at hand and advice to handle same is sound. But, you're either "preaching to the choir" or trying to motivate a nation with an enormous obesity problem and serious lack of motivation and/or energy. It is an effort for many people to make a trip from the couch to the refrigerator and back to the couch, let alone plan and act on bugging out. Most people will not be motivated to act until the SHTF. Those warriors who are hoping for some sort of mass transformation (especially considering the large number suffering disabling health complications due to foolishly believing the government lies about the pandemic and the "safe and effective" medical countermeasures) are deluding themselves. You must be prepared to take care of yourselves and loved ones along with a people that are physically and/or mentally incapable. You are combatting enemies with endless resources and battle plans which have in the making for decades. This is the war to end all wars.

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