Great advice! Love Jesus and never sell your rifle!!!

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Jesus said...

Let he without a sword sell his cloak and buy a sword!


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Casting bullets and reloading procedures, stockpiling components.

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I would definitely add keeping chickens to the food category. Not only can chickens provide eggs and meat, they are a satisfying and fun hobby.

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Guns frequently get brought up as the go-to self-defense tool. But aren't there a lot of non-lethal options? Should we as Christians really jump first to guns? I'd like to see you explore other non-lethal avenues for protecting your home and family.

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The best defense is a strong offense. Guns are the strongest offense most people can get their hands on. Isn't it better to warn off people with a show of force than to have them murder you and yours and take your stuff? Christians are not forbidden to defend themselves. Take your extra, sell it, and buy a sword. Two are enough. That means get the latest weapons tech you can afford, but don't go crazy buying more than you need. And since swords were illegal for non Roman soldiers to carry, don't worry about the legality of the weapon, either.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't engage in Christian charity. Try to have extra to feed those without. Buy a bunch of extra clothes and shoes from the second hand store and stash them to give to those that need them. Know where the sanctuary communities are so you can get migrant people moving in the right direction to safety. Build a mutual aid society with your neighbors and sort out where you can slot in extra people to weather the storm. Extra hands mean more work accomplished. Get the LEAP documents and work with your aid group to develop your own Long Emergency Action Plan. There's a lot to do ahead of time to keep yourself and community from having to kill others to stay alive. But you may have to, and should be prepared for that horrible possibility.

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Apocalypse. Starving. You see an approaching gang of robbers with guns... Choose:

A. Nightstick with Kungfu

B. Taser with old batteries

C. Minigun with BRRRT

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lol I mean. 10 seconds of research gives me way better options than A and B. Also pretty sure miniguns are illegal?

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Nothing is illegal in an apocalypse!

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Buy a cannon then. Quite legal, and the zombie hordes will appreciate your concern.

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