The Late Prepper
The Late Prepper with JD Rucker
12 "Hobbies" You Should Consider Starting Today to Prepare for Whatever Is to Come
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12 "Hobbies" You Should Consider Starting Today to Prepare for Whatever Is to Come

Considering the state of the world and the direction it's heading, it's a best practice to start using your free time for productive things. Thankfully, they can be fun, relaxing, or even challenging.

Many of the folks who follow this website and podcast are seasoned preppers who probably already know everything I'm about to post. In fact, they probably know a whole lot more than I do about the various "hobbies" people should consider taking up now that it seems like some sort of societal collapse is imminent.

For the rest of us who are just getting started, it can be challenging to change everything and take on a "prepper lifestyle." One of the first things I did after making my plan was to think of the various skills I would like to acquire before it becomes too late to do so easily. I replaced old "hobbies" with activities that can help me and my family survive. In a way, these activities have become hobbies themselves, though far more productive than watching Netflix or going bowling.

Here's a very incomplete list of things we all can consider doing to use our time that's not spent working or with family. Some of these activities are things that we can do WITH our families, so it can be doubly productive. I've grouped them into three basic categories — food, outdoors, and self-defense. There are dozens, perhaps hundreds of others that could be added to this list, but I wanted to use this as a primer for others to list their ideas below.

Could you replace any of your current hobbies with some of these survival-productive actions?

Food Prep

  • Gardening - This is the ultimate way to establish food security that can last for a very long time, perhaps indefinitely.

  • Canning - I've never gotten into canning, though my wife has. She's starting again very soon.

  • Sprouting and Growing Microgreens - This is one of those little miracles I wish I'd known more about long ago. It's so easy, doesn't take much space, and even a non-green thumb like me can do it.

  • Dehydrating and Freeze Drying - For those like me who do not have a lot of outdoor space for a garden, I consider freeze drying or dehydrating food to be the most important. Freeze dryers are very expensive but dehydrators are not, but freeze dried food lasts years or even decades longer than dehydrated, it tastes better, and it retains more vitamins and minerals. On a side note, those interested in receiving an update when our own organic freeze dried chicken company is up and running, please email me at

  • Beekeeping - I know nothing about keeping bees. I just heard it was a great hobby and I love honey!


  • Camping - While I try to focus on securing for a bug-in situation, it would be foolish to not be ready if we're no longer able to secure our home. That means more than just having a bugout bag. It means having the skills necessary to survive and even thrive out in the world. Camping is the perfect way to practice, plus it can be fun for the whole family.

  • Hunting - It may become necessary to secure your own meat. If supplies run dry, that means going out and killing what you can find. It's not for everyone, but some of us actually enjoy hunting.

  • Fishing and Trapping - Just like hunting, but with less gunfire. Trapping and fishing can be relaxing as well. As with hunting, it's not just killing the animal. It's about learning the skills to properly collect the meat.

  • Survival Skills Practice - Even if you can't go out and do the things listed above, you should take time to practice survival skills. You may have the equipment to start a fire or secure a campsite, but do you have the skills? Make sure you do before you HAVE to make sure you do.


  • Firearms Practice - If you own a firearm, you should be as proficient as possible with it. I used to take my kids shooting at least two or three times a month. When my little ones are older, I'll do the same.

  • Archery - This is often seen as a skill to have in lieu of a firearm. I consider it a separate and equally important skill to have, especially considering the ammunition can often be collected and reused.

  • Self-Defense or Martial Arts - Whether things collapse or not, being able to take care of yourself is becoming increasingly important. Things are getting crazy out there and oftentimes that craziness can find you in your own home. Be ready and well-practiced at taking care of yourself should someone want to do you harm.

One things I didn't mention in the podcast is that I've started devoting my reading time to two types of books: The Bible and survival guides. I haven't read a fiction novel in over a year, though I have many saved and ready to go should we get stuck bugging in for an extended period of time with limited forms of entertainment.

If you have time to sit around in front of the television, you have time to improve on your skills and current situation. The "prepper lifestyle" doesn't have to be all or nothing. Easing into it by replacing some current hobbies makes sense in today's rapidly devolving world.

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