Fertilizer prices affect feed prices. Bird flu and culling is killing millions of chickens. Demand is high and supplies are dwindling. If you think your grocery bill is high now, just wait.
Agree on keeping hens. Six Isa Browns will produce more eggs than a family can eat. Double layer chicken wire dig in 2 ft down is a must, or critters will find a way in and make short work of the hens.
We can chicken for our dogs. Canned for 120 minutes makes the bones mush. It was cheaper than buying canned dog food and we add the chicken to their crunchies. But this last canning was probably the final time we'd find leg quarters for 88 cents/pound. So we might can it for ourselves. It works for most any recipe that would use a rotisserie chicken. We have directions on canning ground beef but never have done it. We have 10 cornish cross on order to pick up April 12th and half dozen turkeys. Those will be butchered and into the freezer. Also have 1 rooster and 6 layers (will add a couple next week) and 2 steer and 2 heifers. Will butcher the steer and split with a couple of neighbors and AI the heifers and see what we get next year. Would hate to have to butcher the heifers/cows but if necessary would do so.
ok well if we're talking extreme prepping, why not consider eating squirrels? There's lots of them in southern CA everywhere. Get a few Conibear 101 traps and you'll be rolling in squirrel meat. Supplement that with a 50 lb bag of beans and some seasonings and you'll have the meat/protein issue covered.
I'm taking you seriously JD, but reading these comments makes me want to add some humor. Clearly I'm going to be one of the first to starve! I already have a very uncomfortable relationship with meat and tbh killing my own food will never be an option for me. It's why I'm prepping with everything else. And my husband will never let me have chickens, and I'm not going to shoot someone for stealing one of them, and I'm not going to kill them! But our feline carnivores are another matter. I'm more concerned about food for them than I am for me bc we make it ourselves.
The "cats can survive in the wild" is a simplistic response b/c you don't know the age of my cats or their condition. As I've already stated elsewhere, I'll be one of the first to go, but I know where I'm going and who I will see first: Jesus. A couple of people I've talked with about this with recently have commented they'd like to be under the meteor or under the nuclear bomb when it hits; they don't want to be survivalists. Perhaps I'm not the one who needs to change my mindset.
You have your eternal priorities set, that's good. But you are unlikely to die immediately, even in a nuclear attack or large meteor strike. Assuming that "Wormwood" in Revelation 8 is a large meteor, (pretending the three separate trumpets are a single event for simplicity), the asteroid takes out about 33% of the life in the ocean, and Wormwood contaminates 33% of the fresh water (rivers and fountains): so under this view you can assume any meteor strike prior to the prophesied "big one," will probably be smaller and you will have a greater than 67% chance of being left alive.
Assuming a nuclear exhange, as detailed in Ezekiel 38 and 39, most of the populace is also still left: Magog (Rus) still needs to be a major player in a later war afterall. Nuclear strikes will primarily be focused on military and political targets. Unless you live near a major military base, no immediate death for you. Many of the nuclear silos have also been shut down because of their loss in strategic value, so the nuclear targets of today tend to be fewer and more concentrated than older maps suggest. I suppose you might have to deal with the radiation afterwards, but since you're not planning on very slowly dying in utter agony the following 3-4 weeks, you have already planned for that and know how to avoid the radiation entirely, knowing the prevailing wind direction in your area (typically from west to east in the US), and by avoiding the first dust cloud for 2-3 weeks, filtering the air inside, and taking iodine pills so that you are protected from any radiation injested by eating, etc, and you will likely avoid the painful part. Who can say, maybe it will just be little house on the prairie once things settle down.
Instead of planning on being dead, shouldn't you plan for the more likely case of being alive? If you're wrong, just attend the celebration in heaven. However, if you don't plan to survive and you still do, you may have to cross hell on earth before being sent to heaven.
I am being harsh because I want you to snap out of your thought bubble and take things seriously. Your cats are NOT a priority and they never will be in any survival situation, but your family is (including extended if you have no immediate). Prep for them first, worry about your cats later.
Think of it this way: if you survive and have plenty of food to share with your friends/neighbors, wouldn't that be a great opportunity to show them about God? They may be looking to your family for leadership if you were well prepared and built a strong community, and spiritual leadership can go a long way to restoring the foundations of civilization. You could be the next Betsy Ross... or not, it is up to you.
But I don’t understand why people assume that a nuclear exchange is what the passage in Ezekiel is indicating—except that Hal Lindsey made the concept popular. As I recall, he cited the huge hailstones as being a byproduct of a nuclear blast. (It’s a very long time since I read those pages, so I might have mis-remembered it.)
But the Almighty has no need for man’s instruments of war in order to destroy an army—or a city or a nation or a planet or any other thing in His creation (I realize you know that, sorry if I’m coming off as overly pedantic). All He needs is His voice. After all, Joshua’s victory over the Amorites in 10:11 had nothing to do with nukes,—although the great hailstone thing happened there—nor did fall of Jericho nor the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Of course there may be a nuclear exchange in our near future. There may be several. But I don’t see it in the Ezekiel passage. Especially as we have verses referring to the collection of stuff from the battlefield and carrion birds feasting on corpses—I’m thinking radiation would prevent the former and the great radiation-poisoning die-off of the birds might get a mention in Scripture in the latter case.
Also, I’m not really clear in the rationale for Gog/Magog being Russia—though the coalition of nations may include it. I recall that Joel Richardson explained that Turkey includes the land of Gog, based on genealogies. His arguments are pretty compelling in his “The Mideast Beast”—but I don’t uncritically take everything he posits. I think he’s wrong in his acceptance of the traditional interpretation of Daniel 7’s four beasts. That’s an exegetical/eschatological paradigm that direly needs shifting imo.
Heartily agree that making prudent preps is not only sensible but is a Scriptural imperative, given our current circumstances, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty,” (Prov 22:3).
A new friend and I have these apocalyptic discussions regularly. I realize Ezekiel 38-39 is very popular right now b/c of the Russia/Ukraine conflict. I just have a different perspective on it and likely read the signs differently than you. You are obviously a post-Trib type. I'm a "pray for pre, prepare for post" type, so I am doing a great deal of prepping, but keep in mind control is an illusion. I'm praying for wisdom and discernment all the time. I agree that our cats will not be a priority in a pure survival situation, and there are many scenarios in between food shortages and nuclear holocaust.
I have to laugh at the "snap out of your thought bubble comment." If I shared 1/10 of what I'm thinking and doing with my husband's extended family (or the majority of people in our congregation for that matter) who all profess Christ, they would be convinced I had gone off the deep end. I am AWAKE. They are asleep and have no desire to be anything else.
While the scenario you lay out above could happen at any moment with any country that has nuclear weapons, I believe the global predators have a different longer term agenda for less people on the planet. They want to live long enough to be the ones in charge. We are in the midst of a slow genocide and it's only going to accelerate the more spike protein people put in their bodies.
Chickens are doubleplus good (a term for the times), but be aware that they will likely attract predators; so if you have cats or small/medium size dogs, you may need to take precautions.
Agree on keeping hens. Six Isa Browns will produce more eggs than a family can eat. Double layer chicken wire dig in 2 ft down is a must, or critters will find a way in and make short work of the hens.
Excellent, practical advice. Thank you!
You can dehyrate beaten eggs and freeze. Instructions online.
We can chicken for our dogs. Canned for 120 minutes makes the bones mush. It was cheaper than buying canned dog food and we add the chicken to their crunchies. But this last canning was probably the final time we'd find leg quarters for 88 cents/pound. So we might can it for ourselves. It works for most any recipe that would use a rotisserie chicken. We have directions on canning ground beef but never have done it. We have 10 cornish cross on order to pick up April 12th and half dozen turkeys. Those will be butchered and into the freezer. Also have 1 rooster and 6 layers (will add a couple next week) and 2 steer and 2 heifers. Will butcher the steer and split with a couple of neighbors and AI the heifers and see what we get next year. Would hate to have to butcher the heifers/cows but if necessary would do so.
I really need to get into canning. We've watched videos but it's the one prepper trait we've never really attempted. Thank you!
ok well if we're talking extreme prepping, why not consider eating squirrels? There's lots of them in southern CA everywhere. Get a few Conibear 101 traps and you'll be rolling in squirrel meat. Supplement that with a 50 lb bag of beans and some seasonings and you'll have the meat/protein issue covered.
I'm taking you seriously JD, but reading these comments makes me want to add some humor. Clearly I'm going to be one of the first to starve! I already have a very uncomfortable relationship with meat and tbh killing my own food will never be an option for me. It's why I'm prepping with everything else. And my husband will never let me have chickens, and I'm not going to shoot someone for stealing one of them, and I'm not going to kill them! But our feline carnivores are another matter. I'm more concerned about food for them than I am for me bc we make it ourselves.
"I'm more concerned about food for [my cats] than I am for me"
You need to change your mindset.
Cats can easily survive in the wild. Can you?
The "cats can survive in the wild" is a simplistic response b/c you don't know the age of my cats or their condition. As I've already stated elsewhere, I'll be one of the first to go, but I know where I'm going and who I will see first: Jesus. A couple of people I've talked with about this with recently have commented they'd like to be under the meteor or under the nuclear bomb when it hits; they don't want to be survivalists. Perhaps I'm not the one who needs to change my mindset.
You have your eternal priorities set, that's good. But you are unlikely to die immediately, even in a nuclear attack or large meteor strike. Assuming that "Wormwood" in Revelation 8 is a large meteor, (pretending the three separate trumpets are a single event for simplicity), the asteroid takes out about 33% of the life in the ocean, and Wormwood contaminates 33% of the fresh water (rivers and fountains): so under this view you can assume any meteor strike prior to the prophesied "big one," will probably be smaller and you will have a greater than 67% chance of being left alive.
Assuming a nuclear exhange, as detailed in Ezekiel 38 and 39, most of the populace is also still left: Magog (Rus) still needs to be a major player in a later war afterall. Nuclear strikes will primarily be focused on military and political targets. Unless you live near a major military base, no immediate death for you. Many of the nuclear silos have also been shut down because of their loss in strategic value, so the nuclear targets of today tend to be fewer and more concentrated than older maps suggest. I suppose you might have to deal with the radiation afterwards, but since you're not planning on very slowly dying in utter agony the following 3-4 weeks, you have already planned for that and know how to avoid the radiation entirely, knowing the prevailing wind direction in your area (typically from west to east in the US), and by avoiding the first dust cloud for 2-3 weeks, filtering the air inside, and taking iodine pills so that you are protected from any radiation injested by eating, etc, and you will likely avoid the painful part. Who can say, maybe it will just be little house on the prairie once things settle down.
Instead of planning on being dead, shouldn't you plan for the more likely case of being alive? If you're wrong, just attend the celebration in heaven. However, if you don't plan to survive and you still do, you may have to cross hell on earth before being sent to heaven.
I am being harsh because I want you to snap out of your thought bubble and take things seriously. Your cats are NOT a priority and they never will be in any survival situation, but your family is (including extended if you have no immediate). Prep for them first, worry about your cats later.
Think of it this way: if you survive and have plenty of food to share with your friends/neighbors, wouldn't that be a great opportunity to show them about God? They may be looking to your family for leadership if you were well prepared and built a strong community, and spiritual leadership can go a long way to restoring the foundations of civilization. You could be the next Betsy Ross... or not, it is up to you.
Sorry I’m so late to this conversation.
But I don’t understand why people assume that a nuclear exchange is what the passage in Ezekiel is indicating—except that Hal Lindsey made the concept popular. As I recall, he cited the huge hailstones as being a byproduct of a nuclear blast. (It’s a very long time since I read those pages, so I might have mis-remembered it.)
But the Almighty has no need for man’s instruments of war in order to destroy an army—or a city or a nation or a planet or any other thing in His creation (I realize you know that, sorry if I’m coming off as overly pedantic). All He needs is His voice. After all, Joshua’s victory over the Amorites in 10:11 had nothing to do with nukes,—although the great hailstone thing happened there—nor did fall of Jericho nor the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Of course there may be a nuclear exchange in our near future. There may be several. But I don’t see it in the Ezekiel passage. Especially as we have verses referring to the collection of stuff from the battlefield and carrion birds feasting on corpses—I’m thinking radiation would prevent the former and the great radiation-poisoning die-off of the birds might get a mention in Scripture in the latter case.
Also, I’m not really clear in the rationale for Gog/Magog being Russia—though the coalition of nations may include it. I recall that Joel Richardson explained that Turkey includes the land of Gog, based on genealogies. His arguments are pretty compelling in his “The Mideast Beast”—but I don’t uncritically take everything he posits. I think he’s wrong in his acceptance of the traditional interpretation of Daniel 7’s four beasts. That’s an exegetical/eschatological paradigm that direly needs shifting imo.
Heartily agree that making prudent preps is not only sensible but is a Scriptural imperative, given our current circumstances, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty,” (Prov 22:3).
Grace to you.
A new friend and I have these apocalyptic discussions regularly. I realize Ezekiel 38-39 is very popular right now b/c of the Russia/Ukraine conflict. I just have a different perspective on it and likely read the signs differently than you. You are obviously a post-Trib type. I'm a "pray for pre, prepare for post" type, so I am doing a great deal of prepping, but keep in mind control is an illusion. I'm praying for wisdom and discernment all the time. I agree that our cats will not be a priority in a pure survival situation, and there are many scenarios in between food shortages and nuclear holocaust.
I have to laugh at the "snap out of your thought bubble comment." If I shared 1/10 of what I'm thinking and doing with my husband's extended family (or the majority of people in our congregation for that matter) who all profess Christ, they would be convinced I had gone off the deep end. I am AWAKE. They are asleep and have no desire to be anything else.
While the scenario you lay out above could happen at any moment with any country that has nuclear weapons, I believe the global predators have a different longer term agenda for less people on the planet. They want to live long enough to be the ones in charge. We are in the midst of a slow genocide and it's only going to accelerate the more spike protein people put in their bodies.
Christ's Peace.
Chickens are doubleplus good (a term for the times), but be aware that they will likely attract predators; so if you have cats or small/medium size dogs, you may need to take precautions.