I think progressive preppers are afraid of becoming like the people the hate. Armed, scared and untrusting. Add to that, the government won't be there to hold society together and they may opt to spend eternity in the big compost heap out back.

I do not understand the need to buy gold. It is not now legal tender and only the worst possible circumstances would make that a reality. If it did become reality, how much gold one had, probably wouldn't matter. Copper jacketed lead might be the real coin of the realm.

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Watched that horrible movie and was a waste of time. The anti-white sentiment was strong. What the left accuses Trump of trying to do is exactly what this corrupt administration is doing. The treatment of J6ers is a stain on our country’s justice system. Their illegal charges thrown at Trump is like third world dictatorship. This Pope has dabbled in political views not in his purview, climate change demands, targeting conservative Bishops and Cardinals, and even abusing the Catholic doctrine. 🤬

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The left is exposing doomsday to control the conversation. When leftist policies collapse our economy, they have ready talking points to blame the collapseon conservatives making it easier to rebuild with their Marxist version of Nirvana.

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Think I will come up with a reality TV Show called "Prepper's On the Left" I can see it now; they are prepping with their Starbuck's Grande Latte, Their 24 Hour Charged Tesla and because they are anti 2A they will have plenty of Spatula's and Dildo's to protect themselves from the so called MAGA's Deplorables like Me!!

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