If only the homeless masses followed these rules. If only the illegals followed these rules. Unfortunately most don’t and are a burden or a drain on society.

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Mass immigration is a problem, not because of the economic drain the invasive migrants create, not because of the workers they displace, not because of the crime they cause in greater numbers, not because of the drugs they bring in. All of that is true, of course. Mass immigration is primarily a problem because of the cultural, religious, communicative and incompatible intellectual and emotional structures that they force upon the citizenry of whatever nation they invade. I have no more business infiltrating or flooding into other people's nations with my kin and fellow ethnics than do they into mine. This is demographic murder. It is a crime. It is a crime to promote it or to look the other way.

As long as comments are reasonable and fairly well written, I try to "like" as many as possible --- especially if the comments promote thought and response, even if I disagree in part or in whole.

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Your modern "hobo" is a filthy, drugged out, liar, thief, cheat. They can also be crazy, raping, assaulting and murdering. Most/All are common users of intoxicating drugs and copiuos users of $8+ a pack cigarettes, begs off the stupid, for more money (untaxed) per day, than any normal working stiff.

If they cannot beg enough to support their drug, alcohol and tobacco habits for the day, they wait for the working stiff to go to work and break in and steal what they have worked for.

If "surviving" means having to adopt the ways of the rats, then I will just fight until the oposing force kills me or I starve to death.

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Here in the US the life expectancy of the homeless is quite short, relative to the homed.

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Great article, I have read that old book, Supertramp, and maybe 'The Road' since it is by Jack London.

Of course, I have read 'On the Road' by Kerouac and 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'.

I have been a sort of motohobo since I used to take long motorcycle road trips.

Too old and injured now but I used to love those road adventures.

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