When Obama got into the presidency I immediately started storing gasoline. Stabil is almost worthless. I researched and found that when the oil companies want to long store fuel they use a product called PRIG. It will keep gasoline good for 10 years. It cost about $125 a gallon but one gallon will preserved 1000 gallons of gasoline. I don't know what this stuff is but I stored 500 gallons with it and 9 years later it was as good as the day I put it up. I used that gasoline all up and now have replaced it with the stabilizer added. I know it works because I proved it to myself.

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Thank you for that information. I will check out Prig.

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I keep about 500 gal of gasoline and diesel at all times. I treat my gas with Stabil and rotate it, I seldom have fuel over 12 to 16mos old. I keep the diesel treated with an anti-microbe treatment. My back up gen is bi-fuel gasoline/lpg. I have never ran my gen on anything but lpg. IMO lpg/propane is the best there is for long term storage, I store more lpg than I do liquid fuels. I don't know if it has a shelf life. Years ago it wasn't uncommon to see pick-ups running on lpg, but with the demise of carbureted engines I don't see it much anymore, but I have a friend that used to be in the business and he has several systems, so I could acquire one if I so chose. If we were in a SHTF situation my gasoline use would probably be shutdown to chainsaws only, which brings me to the topic of ethanol blended gas in two stroke engines. If you run ethanol gas in a two stroke there's a good chance it will eat up the rubber diaphragm in the carb. To remove the ethanol you can put a couple gallons of water in a 5gal bucket, fill it up the rest of the way with your ethanol blended gas, stir the shit out of it with a paint stirrer, this will cause the alcohol to go into the water, let it set, settle and separate and then you can pour your 100% gas off the top. It's not complicated, but you folks need to remember this because we could see a time when the only thing keeping our ass from freezing is a chainsaw.

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