The Late Prepper
The Late Prepper with JD Rucker
Seven Foods to Stock Up on Now Before the Real Food Shortages Hit
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -36:41

Seven Foods to Stock Up on Now Before the Real Food Shortages Hit

If you've been to the grocery store recently or if you get your news from alternative media, you're likely aware food prices are skyrocketing. Some foods are necessities you need to get ASAP.

If you're like me, you're concerned that some or all foods will soon be either too expensive to buy or not available at all. It's no secret that I am a "late prepper" who used to dismiss calls to get prepared. I never saw the need to be ready for whatever is to come because I didn't think things would ever get as bad as they are now.

I was wrong.

On today's episode of The Late Prepper, I discussed seven food items that new preppers need to stock up on as soon as possible. These are items that I and other, more experienced preppers believe are both necessary for long-term survival and that may be hard to get in the coming years, even months. Food isn't everything. We need to have a strong supply of potable water. We need medicines and other supplies. We definitely need a way to protect our supplies when someone tries to take them. But today we're talking about food.

Certain items will be harder to get than others. This is always the case, but it will be accentuated during an economic downturn or full-blown collapse. I took that into account as well as two other factors: price and usefulness. You could stock up on Doritos if you'd like, but I don't consider them to be very useful in a crap-hits-the-fan situation.

Rice and Beans

This is the no-brainer that every prepper knows and loves. The reason the combination of rice and beans is so important is because it hits all of the necessary qualities. Today, both are relatively cheap but in a near-future collapse scenario, demand will overtake supply and prices will skyrocket. They can be stored for very long times, up to 25 years or more in the right conditions. The nutrition is proven; combining them delivers the right amino acids to form proper proteins. Technically, you could survive on just rice, beans, and water indefinitely.

Canned Foods

For the sake of variety and having foods with mid-term shelf-lives, most canned foods are great. They are also generally inexpensive, though not as inexpensive as fresh foods that you can yourself. But the best part about canned foods like soups, meals, fruits, vegetables, and meats is that they're generally ready-to-eat without necessary preparation. They're better when heated, but they can be eaten right out of the can. Just be sure to have manual can-openers ready.

Wheat Berries

This versatile family of grains can help you meet your daily caloric intake easily. They are nutritious and when stored properly, they can last for decades. Definitely make sure you have a mill that can grind up your wheat berries into flour. We have one electric and one manual. We get ours from 4 Generations Organic.

Food Buckets

I often tell new preppers to get their freeze-dried foods last. Too often I see people going straight to ordering buckets of long-term food before they have enough regular food to get them to the long-term. Only after cupboards, pantries, refrigerators, and freezers are full should anyone move to food buckets. Once you get your short- and mid-term food covered, buckets can be cost-effective ways of getting a nice variety of long-term food. We recommend one of our sponsors for this, and they currently have a summer sale that just launched.

Milk, Butter, Eggs (and Cheese)

Fats are going to be the hardest macronutrient to acquire after the crap hits the fan. Most oils do not last longer than a year or two even if they're not opened. This is why we store plenty of powdered milk, butter, and eggs. Milk and butter also have other nutrients that are necessary for survival and if stored right, the can last a decade. As for cheese, we're just now testing out Bega canned cheese. So far, so good. It's expensive, but they claim their cheese can last a decade, so we're starting to stock up.

Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables

If you can afford freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, that's the better way to go. It's definitely more expensive, but it's healthier, tastes better, and lasts longer. We are stocking up on dehydrated fruits and vegetables. They won't last as long, but we will store them for as long as possible as today's fresh fruits and vegetables that are so abundant in the United States may not be so easy to get in the near future.

Freeze Dried Chicken

We started a an organic, roasted, freeze-dried chicken company. Okay, so technically it's an organic freeze-dried food company, but our focus is on one product now. We're selling five pounds of chicken that is roasted and then freeze-dried down to a single pound. It's 19 servings with 27 grams of protein per serving. Between bird flu, supply chain, fertilizer and grain prices, and escalating inflation, we believe chicken will be gone or at least cost-prohibitive in the near future. That's why we build the company now.

More people have started prepping (even if some don't want to call themselves preppers). Considering the state of the economy, there will soon be two types of people: those who prepared and those in breadlines.