1 Comment
Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

I appreciate your closing remarks. I see the problem with the US is primarily spiritual, and so is the answer. Now to your closing point, from Psalms 127:

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.

Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—

for he grants sleep to those he loves.

So we can work all we want, but if the nation still acts contrary to God's Word (and common sense moral decency for that matter) we're toast. Example, mainstreaming sexual perversion and even forcing it on our children is just plain sick.

Understanding that reference point, here's what I have done with what I can change:

1) I bought a house on an acre now being cleared for growing food. My neighborhood is a community who watches out for each other.

2) I have reduced dependency on the sick care system to the extent possible, including all pharmaceutical products. I adopted a whole foods plant based lifestyle in 2015 in the process reversing cardiovascular disease, advanced cancer and severe ulcerative colitis. .

3) Getting spiritually grounded. .

4) getting physically fit. Everyone can do exercise, walking, strength training, etc.

5) and then all the everyday stuff this author and the referenced video discuss: Food, water, etc.

Start today. Example, I have secured now 600 lbs of dried food. Organic oatmeal, dried beans, organic pasts, as well as other long term storage items. I expect truly scary times ahead. Mentally I'm preparing for the worst, but praying the evil is purged form our culture and decent people resume control.

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