If people can’t see now that our own government is trying to kill us then they never will!!!!

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EPA has now been weaponized.

I'm so glad that I have 4 sets of the black filters for my Berkey. Should last me many years. Unlike the rabid lies of our entire government over "safe and effective" Covid jabs, the Berkey filters actually ARE "safe and effective". I've owned my Berkey for more than a decade -- very pleased with its performance!

I trust Berkey. I have NO trust in the EPA or any other gov agency.

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How can we help Berkey? Can we donate to their lawsuit efforts? they need a gofundme or something. I was going to order new filters this year. :(:(:( Ridiculousness!!!!!

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This is not good.

This is another attack on us.


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We've been dealing with this (publicly) for over three years. Organizations and government entities that promote de-population then ban anything that can keep you alive during what THEY call a pandemic. "It doesn't make any sense!" "Why would they do this?" Well, Duuuh. Their actions corroborate their stated goals, and we, as apeople, twiddle our thumbs and navel gaze. If anyone points out the obvious, the CONSPIRACY THEORY hue and cry arises. Maybe people this dumb just deserve to die.

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Our government hates Americans

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I do not consent. I will not comply.

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The people at the EPA, when they were kids, used to pluck wing off of flies and and burn ants with a magnifying glass. They are all a bunch of sick control freaks and they get pleasure from causing pain.

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Anytime the government thinks they are losing control they go after people. If the government is against it you can bet your rear end I'm for it. Love my Berkey....Don't love bottled water and sure don't drink tap water.

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Fluoride can both damage and, over a long enough timeline of consistent doses, kill human beings. To the globalists behind our government institutions, that's a feature not a bug. If you're dead, their depopulation agenda is advanced and if you're health is significantly damaged, you're forever dependent on pharmaceutical intervention in which many government regulators hold stock. Either way, they're set. If you become more of a burden than a cash cow, they'll just cut you off from the Big Pharma teat and focus on the next poor schlub they're slowly killing. How much more will Americans take before we overthrow our tyrannical government?

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Wonderful news! Now we can import Chinese water filters made in the same lab that brought us Covid!

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I'm glad I just bought more alexapure filters. This is outrageous. Just like ivermectin, they seem to be banning everything that protects us from them.

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I’d say that this is unbelievable… but we know better. Prepare accordingly…..sadly

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@TheLatePrepper, Would you like to swap Paid subscriptions?

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I just went to the official Berkey website, and they say nothing about this. Here is the link,


I checked all the fine print, looked for a notices or news section, and clicked on purchase links for individual items, thinking perhaps I'd not drilled down far enough.

I found no warnings, no news, nothing.

With all respect and manners, I would suggest that perhaps a different set of sources be acquired because neither the referenced Twitter account nor Natural News are rational nor always accurate.

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Hmmm all filtration systems are unavailable and so are the black filters.

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Are you looking at the official link,


or the distributor, which is the other link listed at the bottom of the article.

I am looking at the official link, and I see nothing about the filtration systems being unavailable.

Here's the link for the filters,


And again, there are no notices about stock being unavailable unless you live in Iowa.

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