The Late Prepper
The Late Prepper with JD Rucker
After Panning Doomsday Preppers for Years, Here's Why I'm Becoming a Prepper Now

After Panning Doomsday Preppers for Years, Here's Why I'm Becoming a Prepper Now

Better late than never, right? I'm launching a Substack, podcast, and new video channel for the sole purpose of helping people who find themselves scrambling to get prepared for what's to come.

I don't panic. That's just not my thing. The combination of my faith in God and years of seeing things through in my life and the lives of my family have taught me that there's a distinct difference between acting with purpose and freaking out. I prefer the former, and right now I'm making preparations for the purpose of addressing what I believe is happening in the world today.

This is my first official article and podcast on The Late Prepper Substack. It's just a quick intro, but I one thing I didn't mention in the podcast is the format that I'll be applying to this Substack. There will be videos posted regularly that give hands-on advice to people who are either not very well prepped or who haven't really started prepping at all. These videos will also be turned into podcasts. I'll send emails to subscribers for each UNIQUE piece of content, so there's no need to worry that there will be separate emails for the videos, podcasts, and articles covering a single topic.

With that said, here are the five basic reasons I'm becoming a prepper now. This is why I believe everyone should make the move at this time in history...

  • Things may hit the fan now or later - Long-time preppers have been warning us for decades that at any point, the s*** may hit the fan. They've always been right; only God knows what's coming and it makes sense to be prepared. But other than a brief time following the passage of Obamacare when we got some bugout bags and a couple of food buckets, I've never taken prepping very seriously. Today, I am because I'm cognizant of what's happening around us. Never in recent history has it seemed more likely that the s*** really may start hitting the fan soon. Pandemic Panic Theater, Ukraine-Russia, and whatever else they have planned for us can all change the world by the themselves. When combined, the results can and likely will be catastrophic.

  • If you don't do it now, you may not get a chance later -  There's a term that has been finally making its rounds on corporate media and at watercoolers across the nation, a term that too few ever thought about until recently. That term is "supply chain." With all of the strains being put on getting goods from manufacturers to distributors to retailers to consumers, we've already seen major changes. Here's the thing. When the dominos really start falling, the collapse will be sudden. We saw that with toilet paper in 2020. Now, apply that to pretty much everything else. Today we still have access to most of what we need. Tomorrow, that may not be the case.

  • Prices are going up - No need to explain. You're living through it just like the rest of us.

  • A proper prepper lifestyle is sustainable - Arguably the most important lesson I've learned over the last year is that prepping is not about having spare food to throw in the closet and forget about for 25 years. It's about building a life around maintaining proper levels of food and other items that we already eat and use. It's for this reason that I've been kicking myself for not getting into prepping earlier. Better late than never, right?

  • Joseph - The Bible tells us a story of sorrow and purpose when it describes what Joseph went through in his life. There are many extremely important lessons to learn from his story, but the most relevant to what we're talking about here is the way he prepared Egypt for famine. As those who know the story likely understand, this was all part of God's plan to preserve Israel, but at the time Joseph thought he was simply preserving Egypt. Some tell me it's sinful to be a prepper because it takes away from faith in God. I look at it as sustaining for the sake of God's plan in my life and the lives of my family.

Tomorrow, I will be releasing another podcast that details why this took so long to put out. I have actually recorded several shows already, but the rapid changes that have been taking place just over the last two weeks prevented me from launching The Late Prepper when I wanted to a week ago. Again, better late than never, right?

There will be plenty who do not buy into the notion that we should be doing anything to prepare for what's to come. Don't listen to those people. They simply want their friends and neighbors to be just as unprepared as they are so if the s*** hits the fan, they won't feel dumb for not getting ready.

The Late Prepper
The Late Prepper with JD Rucker
Economic collapse. Martial law. Something worse. It's time to start prepping.