Yes unfortunately this is called replacement theology or suppressionism. Meaning the Church has replaced Israel because Israel rejected Jesus 2000 years ago. So the church will go through the tribulation but the Jews will face the Antichrist as well as the church.

This not a biblical position to take. The pre- tribulation position is the only view to hold because it’s a literal interpretation and taught by the great apostle Paul who wrote two thirds of the New Testament.

Michael Snider is not the Apostle Paul. The rapture of the church removed the church from the wrath of God. The tribulation that follows is for Israel to come to faith in Jesus. The return of Jesus at the end of the 7 year tribulation we the church come with Jesus to set up his millennial kingdom.

So JD Rucker is also a replacement theology believer and really does not know what this subject is all about.

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Some of us may have someone elderly living with us, their needs/meds.

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Nothing wrong with be prepared. But Post tribbers like Synder have gone down the survive the tribulation rabbit hole.

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