I agree with @FreedomFighter Stocking up is great but more importantly is to have your supplies cached in a few locations so all of your supplies don’t get taken from you at one time. Being able to protect yourself from those hunting for food and supplies is almost as important as having supplies.

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This could be like a rogue wave. As was said in Jaws: "We're going to need a bigger boat."

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While I found nothing new here, it is a solid article for people that are still sleeping (if they are lucky enough to read it). As always, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Meanwhile, don't forget to check and clean your firearms and stock up on defensive ammo.

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How can anyone store up enough food to last for as long as they plan to stay alive? Who has that kind of money? Who has that kind of space? I need something realistic, not hyperbole.

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