Been say'n for longer than can remember: get "red county rural" ASAP. Get "gathered", gunned, gardened and "System-D simplified. Try to find "urbies" of the same mind-set in the nearest major metro area for collaboration of physical needs/services. They help you source/deliver goods and improve the a rural "compound' when on site, and you secure/maintain their future 'bug-out location". Military field tac 101 : survival/power in numbers.

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You fucking clown

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Hurricane season is apon us and no time like the present to get stocked up. Honestly 3 day supply is not enough. Those 3 gallon size ziplock bags come in handy for emergencies.

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Been say'n for longer than can remember: get "red county rural" ASAP. Get "gathered", gunned, gardened and "System-D simplified. Try to find "urbies" of the same mind-set in the nearest major metro area for collaboration of physical needs/services. They help you source/deliver goods and improve the a rural 'compound' and you secure/maintain their future "bug-out location". Military field tac 101 : survival/power in numbers.

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What exactly are you trying to say JaiSeli?

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If you're that clueless, well . . . 'nuf said.

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What an undercover snitch response

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